
Photo of the Day – 29 December 2016: Winter Woods

Posted on 5th January 2017 by Admin under Photograph, Uncategorized

Taken during a recent walk in my local woods.  The sun was setting and was low in the sky, but was just catching the tops of the trees which emphasised their forms and helps provide a sense of depth.  I like this shot for a number of reasons.  The  birch trees in the central vertical plane stand out and provide a point of focus, with the other trees forming a frame.  Depiction in monochrome suits the bare trees in the depth of winter.


Trees in winter woods

Bare trees in the depth of winter
(Click on image for a larger version)

Other shots taken at the same location

I did take other shots while in the woods, using a moderate telephoto lens to concentrate on the central birch trees.  In theory it should have simplified the composition.   Instead I found that the image really needed the higher branches of the other trees.  Without them the scene looked jumbled and lost the feeling of depth.

Observant readers will note that this post is slightly out of date order.  The shot had remained in the camera for a few days and I wanted to post my “Nelson, Moon and Venus” image on the day it was taken.


This post is part of my occasional “Photo of the Day” series when I publish any shots which I think might be of interest and tell the story behind them.  They might not necessarily be portfolio standard images, nor the final version, but still be of sufficient interest for inclusion in my blog.  If I do not show a shot on any given day, it does not mean that I did not take any photographs, just that I did not get anything worthwhile.  For me, that is part of the fun of photography, not knowing what you will find on a shoot when nothing is planned.


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