
Photo of the Day – 28 June 2017: Lily

Posted on 2nd July 2017 by Admin under Photograph

Thus was not a photo which I expected to take.  I had seen this lily a number of times as I walked past it each day to buy my newspaper.  An attractive flower, certainly, but that was all.  It was growing in someone’s front garden right by the pavement, but I had not thought anything more of it.  On this particular day, heavy overnight rain had left water droplets which gave it that something extra.

Fortunately, I had my camera with me.  That is not usually the case but on this occasion I was able to get a couple of shots.  It shows that even on a familiar walk when there seems to be little of interest, the unexpected can occur.  Carrying a camera can pay didvidends and this was one one of those times.

Lily with raindrops

Lily with raindrops


I did experiment with a black and white version, but after leaving it for a day or so before coming back to it, I decided I preferred it in colour.  This is a subject which can look good in monochrome, but not on this occasion.  There are actually very few colours and the yellow stamen lifts the image, giving added interest.  Which is another lesson.  It often pays to wait a while before making a final decision about the treatment of an image.   The initial reaction is not always the best one.

Monochrome lily

Lily with raindrops – monochrome version


This post is part of my occasional “Photo of the Day” series.  I publish shots which I think might be of interest and tell the story behind them.  They might not necessarily be portfolio standard images, nor the final version, but still be of sufficient interest for inclusion in my blog.  If I do not show a shot on any given day, it does not mean that I did not take any photographs, just that I did not get anything worthwhile.  For me, that is part of the fun of photography.  Not knowing what I will find on a shoot when I have nothing planned.

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